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Earl Soham

Community Primary School

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School Day




Breakfast Club for those booked in

Children may arrive from this time and go to the playground


Morning  registration/ Assembly/Morning work

09:00Morning session 1




Morning Break


Morning session 2




Afternoon registration


Afternoon session 1


Afternoon session 2

15:00Story time


End of the school day


Total time per week- 32.5hrs

After school clubs take place on some days. These usually finish at 4:15. Please contact the school office for a list of current clubs and to register your child for a place.


Lateness-Poor punctuality is not acceptable and can sometimes lead to irregular school attendance patterns. Good time-keeping is a vital life skill which will help children as they progress through their school life and out into the the wider world.


Pupils who arrive late disrupt lessons and, if a child misses the start of the day, they feel unsettled and embarrassed and risk missing vital work and important messages from their class teacher.

The times of the start and close of the school day for all pupils at Earl Soham Community Primary School are:

Gates open:8:40am

Registration starts: 8:50am

Registration closes: 9am

End of school day: 3:15pm


How we manage lateness

  • For those booked into breakfast club this opens at 7:45am
  • The school day starts at 8:40am when children can begin to come into school
  • Registers are taken at 8:55am
  • Children arriving after 8:55am are required to come into the school via the school office. If accompanied by a parent/carer they must sign them into out 'Late Book' and provide a reason for their lateness, which is recorded.
  • At 9am the registers will be closed. In accordance with the Regulations, if your child arrives after that time, they will receive a mark that shows them to be on site-'U', but this will not count as a present mark and it will mean that they have an unuathorised absence;
  • The school may contact parents/carers regarding punctuality concerns.

Unuathorised lateness could result in the school refering to the Local Authority for santions and/or legal proceedings.

Bad Weather


We make every possible effort to ensure that the school remains open, but some of our staff live a considerable distance away. In the event of bad weather i.e. snow it may make it difficult to have a fully staffed school. If we need to close the school please listen to the following radio stations for information with regard to school closures:

  • Radio Suffolk 95.5/95.9/103.9/104.6FM
  • SGR FM 97.1-96.4FM

We will also update the school website and email parents wherever possible.


   Please could all pupils come to school in their P.E. kits every Tuesday.

   During the winter months it is advisable for all pupils to bring a pair of wellington boots into school. These can be stored on the racks outside each class. We also ask that children who wish to play football on the grass during the winter months bring a 'mud kit' which should not be their P.E. kit. This reduces the amount of mud brought into school and taken home. At break time, pupils in KS1 receive a piece of fruit daily. Pupils in KS2 are welcome to bring in a healthy snack for break time. Water bottles are required in class and at lunchtime, we encourage all pupils to drink as much water as possible daily.


Earl Soham School is a nut free school, we ask that no nuts or products that 'may contain nuts' are bought into school.
