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Earl Soham

Community Primary School

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Late/Absence Procedures/School Trips




Start of the day, late arrival. If you are running late please report to the school office where pupils will be entered in the register. A member of staff will outside from 8:40am, please do not leave your child unattended prior to 8:40am.


Absences. If you child is unwell please call the school office on 01728 685359 to report your child absence, you must do this by 9:30am on the first day of absence and each day after this. If your child has been sick or has an upset tummy they must remain off school for 48 hours since they were last ill.


We ask that dentist and medical appointments wherever possible are arranged during the holiday or after school but realise this cannot always be possible.

If in any doubt please refer to the Attendance 2024-2025 Policy



You have to get permission from the head teacher if you want to take your child out of school during term time.

You can only do this if:

  • you make an application to the head teacher in advance (as a parent the child normally lives with)
  • there are exceptional circumstances

If you require a day of absence  or holiday leave please request a form from the school office at least 3 weeks before the requested date. As a matter of school policy , the Governors have agreed that absence during term time will not be sanctioned routinely. The effect of such absences is damaging both for pupils and staff because it disrupts learning. The Government has also made it clear that parents should not take their children on holiday in term time and there is no legal right to do so. Even when the requested leave may constitute 'exceptional' circumstances, attention to current attendance and previous applications for leave will be made.


If the absence is not authorised but is taken anyway, the case could be referred to the Attendance Service who may issue a Penalty Notice. Your local council can give each parent a fine of £80 (per child, per parent) , which rises to £160 each if you do not pay within 21 days. 


Your child’s school can ask you for a voluntary contribution to the cost of activities like school trips. They cannot stop your child from attending if you do not pay, but they could cancel the activity if there is not enough money to cover the cost of it. We are very fortunate that the PTFA currently contributes to the school and part of this is used to help pay part of the coach costs.
