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Earl Soham

Community Primary School

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The PTFA is once again up and running. Frances Fleming and Jo Moorman have agreed to co-Chair the group, with Charlotte Farrow and Charlotte Gadd as joint Treasurers and Jessica Topham as Secretary. They have lots of ideas for future projects and events. We are always happy to welcome new members and new ideas to the group. Thank you once again to Laura and Michelle for their amazing work over the course of the last two years.

PTFA Members (September 2022)

Laura Young & Michelle Humphrey Co-Chairs

Jonathan Campbell -treasurer

Nikita McLean-secretary

Evie Howlin, Hannah Rogers, Jo Moorman, Frances Fleming, Nicole Gaunt, Sally-Ann Elliott, Lydia Kirk


Summer term- Fridays Stay and Play. We all raised another £255.60 for the PTFA. Thanks again for all your support.




Thank you to everyone that attended the Easter Fayre, we all raised an incredible £474.15 for the PTFA!!


Quiz, we're delighted to say that we raised a fantastic £406 for the PTFA. Huge thanks also to the local businesses that generously donated a prize - Hutton's of Earl Soham, Clarke & Simpson, The Cretingham Bell, and Kenton Hall Cookery School.

Family film night-summer term . We raised an amazing £193.37 for the PTFA.



Earl Soham School has a very active Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA), which raises funds to support the school and helps to maintain a strong sense of community. In the last few years we have enabled the school to buy new learning and play equipment, have supported coach travel for school trips, and have purchased Christmas, Easter and leavers’ gifts for the children. We run regular fundraising events, as well as non-fundraising events such as the Christmas party for the children. We are always keen for new volunteers to join the PTFA committee or to organise individual events.




If you shop online, you can support the school by using to access a large range of well-known internet shopping sites, or you can use for all your Amazon purchases. Shopping via these sites having registered the PTFA as your chosen charity will automatically result in a donation to the PTFA.


Some supporters like to donate a regular monthly amount to the PTFA via a standing order. These are very easy to set up, and you can get the necessary bank details by contacting one of the chairs.


PTFA facebook page


Pre loved Uniform Shop

The pre loved uniform shop is now open. We are always grateful for all donations for the shop especially your Earl Soham branded clothing please (all name tags removed). As always the Uniform Shop will be open every Friday, during shared assembly. If you wish to take a look at another time please speak to Tracey.




